I’m No Wizard, But…

Does this sound like you?



  • You love yoga class, but only go once a week.
  • You resolve to be calm, but feel fragmented a lot
  • You rely on medications to face many health and life challenges
  • You do a shot of wheat grass, after your double espresso
  • You take a long walk, and worry about everything you need to do
  • You determine to loose weight, and you gain 10 lbs.

And do you find yourself asking:


  • How can I be more peaceful and joyous?
  • How can I learn to stay balanced within life’s turmoil?
  • Why hasn’t my life fulfilled my dreams?
  • What can I do to live a healthier, happier, and longer life?
  • What is this life all about anyway?
You’ve got the power!
You’re smart, you read the literature on getting and staying healthy, you know about eating more veggies and the benefits of exercise. You watched Oprah, you know you have the power.  You’ve got a pretty good idea about what you should be doing,  and you love it when you’re doing it. So think about it, why haven’t you actualized the life you want to create? What’s blocking you?
I’m no wizard, but…
Remember when Dorothy and her friends go to the Wizard of Oz and learn that they already have everything they need to create the life they want.  They just didn’t recognize their own power. The tin man, the lion and the scarecrow needed a coach, the wizard, to show them the way.
I’m no wizard, but …
We’re going on a road trip, and the destination is to recapture your youthful spirit, and to find your bliss.  I know that sounds like a tall order, but what have you got to loose.  Come along for the ride.
  • You will manifest the life style changes you need to create the mind, body, spirit connection you long for.
  • You will discover your personal power and your life’s purpose.
  • You will unblock the obstacles that are preventing you from living the fullest expression of your life.
  • You will connect with the creative being that you are.
  • You’ll stop feeling a victim of your circumstances and create new life energy.

Everything I Needed To Know I Learned As A Hippie

We Hippies knew that:

  • we are a part of something greater than ourselves
  • eating chemicals is bad for you
  • it’s not about how much you accumulate
  • there is wisdom in ancient ways
  • trusting yourself is better than trusting politicians
  • peace and love are vital to all human life
  • this planet is precious
  • feeding your soul is better than feeding your fear

- police confrontation

OK.  All you baby boomers out there who keep saying that 60 is the new 50 and other lies we tell ourselves to convince ourselves we haven’t become our parents…



  1. Are you vegan, vegetarian, or raw?
  2. Do you meditate regularly?
  3. Do you have a regular yoga, tai chi, chi gong, or other similar practice?
  4. Do you buy clothing made mostly of natural fabrics?
  5. Do you regularly free cycle?
  6. Do you support Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace, or make donations to your favorite charities instead of giving gifts to your friends and family?
  7. Can you explain at least three of the following: Feng Shu, Reiki, Polarity Healing, String Theory, Quantum Healing, Chi, Chakras, Parallel Universes, Time Travelers, Nirvana?
  8. Do you describe yourself as a pacifist, or liberal?
  9. Do you buy mostly organic food?
  10. 10. Do you smoke an occasional joint?
  11. 11. Do you listen to music from the 60’s and 70’s more than contemporary music?
  12. 12. Are you OK with your own teenagers experimenting with pot?
  13. 13. Do you vote in all elections?
  14. 14. Do you support teenagers having access to birth control, including your own children?
  15. 15. Do you support a woman’s right to choose?

If you answered:

  • Yes to ALL 15                        Sock it to me, you’re a Child of the Universe
  • Between 10-14 Yes             Far out, you are Going With The Flow
  • Between 9-5 Yes                  Groovy, you are the Live and Let Live Type
  • Less than 5 Yes                    Keep the faith, you’ve been Selling Out
  • No Yes Answers                  Oh man, you’ve got A Long Row to Hoe



Where Have All The Hippies Gone…



The ‘60’s generation, the Hippies, challenged and changed the political, social and economic fabric of America and forever altered the way we view the world.  At the same time, we embarked on personal psychological and spiritual journeys that shaped the people we were to become, sometimes with the aid of drugs, sometimes not. We turned to eastern philosophies and world religions to help understand our place in the universe.  We explored Buddhism, the Tao, the I Ching, astrology, numerology, palmistry, and the rituals and cultures of Native Americans.  We rediscovered Jesus’ message of peace and love, rejecting the catechism of the Catholic Church and absorbed the Kabala of the ancient Jewish mystics.   We embraced the understandings that we are all one, that the earth needs protection, that musical vibration can transport the soul, and that the mind requires expansion.  We understood that ordinary people can and do have extraordinary experiences all the time.  Magic happens.

I was recently in India and a wise guide told me this.  In India, they believe that there are three stages in life.  The first phase is youth and it is the time to be carefree and open to the possibilities of all things.  It is the time to explore and be open with your mind and your heart. Then we enter phase two, when we marry, have children, begin careers, build homes, etc. and our lives become full of responsibilities and demands on our time and energy.  Finally, when our last child is out of the home, they believe we enter phase three.  It is in phase three that we have more time to ourselves, we are comfortable with, or at least understand pretty well, our relationships.  It is in this last phase that we can explore our spiritual life in order to prepare us for our next life. Phase three is the time in which we discover who we truly are and what our purpose is in this life.

Each of our lives is important, and each has its purpose.  Maybe we boomers strayed from the people we were becoming when we were Hippies.  Phase two made serious demands on us.  It left us with little time to contemplate the universe, so we conquered it instead, or at least thought we would try.  Maybe we lost some of ourselves along the way.

Now that the last kid is out of the house, (or perhaps living in the guest room) maybe it’s time to rediscover what we knew when we were young.  Maybe we’re secure enough now, to really challenge our minds, to stretch our limits, and open ourselves to the mysteries of this life. Maybe it’s time to get back to thinking about what our purpose is, and how our life impacts on all other things in this universe.

It’s time we got back to the garden.

And it’s time we had some fun on the journey.


This blog is going to be a magical, mystery tour “back to yourself.”  Only this time you don’t have to drop acid, burn your bra, impeach the president, give up your citizenship, or stop shaving.  (Although you may choose to do all those things if you want.)